So I'll work backwards. This weekend, Krista and I had Julia over. She came on friday, and I saw her when I got home from my hair appointment. Getting my hair done by someone other than Maria made me very nervous. I explained to this new woman that I dislike change, but that since I don't live at home anymore, I had to. Fortunately she listened, and besides from being a little blonder than I am used to, she did not do a horrible job. Though I try my best to resist change, and I had to actually pay for a hair cut, I was left feeling fine. That night, a group of us went to the Grand Valley/Hope hockey game to watch Jake play. The game was a lot of fun, and Jake played great. On the way there and back we listened to Taylor Swift, which created a moment felt only by those in the car. Once home, Krista and I feel slightly hungry, and so around 1:30am we order two large papa john's pizzas. Pepperoni & Green Pepper and BBQ Chicken. A group of us watched the break up, and finally made it to bed at some hour early in the morning.

This past thursday, we had 8 girls + Jesse in the dorm watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Accompanied with French Toast Sticks from late night, it was an enjoyable evening. Krista and I have found that if we always have our futon in the "bed" position, we can fit more people, a lot more comfortably. We simply prop pillows against the wall, and lie back. It has been like this since then, and I am currently sitting on the futon with the new default position. Perfect.
What keeps you warm when your feeling chilled and you don't want to raise your heating bill? Blankets are okay, but they can slip and slide, and when you need to reach for something your hands are trapped inside! Now there's the SNUGGIE, the blanket that has sleeves! I know, who would not want one? Well, me and my mom certainly did, so about 6-8 weeks ago, I took the liberty of ordering us some. It was buy one get one free, fantastic! I buy two, assuming I would get one free. I get a package, and much to my shock I had four snuggies! I guess each order came with a free one... oops :)
Last sunday defined lazy. After attending church, we fit 7 people in Jesse's 5 passenger car so Natalie, Shaina, Tina, Stephanie and I could go tanning. We all had one week free tanning, and since the sun had been withheld from us for too long, artificial sun was going to have to do. Expressing the happiness each one of us felt after basking in the warm UV rays is difficult. It was nothing short of pure euphoria. After that, we went next door to the video store where Jesse and Chris were looking at movies. In the spirit of Halloween, Chris wanted to get a horror film to watch. After an enduring debate of clowns or no clowns, ghosts or demons, psychological or jumpy, we finally decided on what could have been the worst movie ever. Ring around the Rosie. The "scary" scenes resembled someone's portrayal of a bad LSD trip, the story line had so many holes in it, all in all, it made no sense. Wendy's been dead for 17 years. What!? After a huge disappointment, the majority of us were craving hot chocolate. Since we did not have easy, powdered packs, we resorted to some chocolate syrup bought at the c-store. Step one: we heated some milk on the stove
Step two: while heating, we stirred in the chocolate.
The second step where we made our first mistake. Chocolate can burn. Go figure. Our marginal hot cocoa had thin slivers of burned chocolate in it. After this unfortunate mess, we watched another movie. After the movie, Shaina, Natalie and I continued to sit on my futon and be unproductive. This was the end of our halloweekend.
The beginning of our halloweekend started friday. After classes ended around noon, Tina and I decided to lay around and watch little miss sunshine. This turned into a moderately sized gathering with about 8 people fitting into the room. After that, we wanted to start getting ready for our premiere as the seven dwarfs.

Because we did not want to spend a lot of money on a costume we would wear once, we put together our own costumes as the seven dwarfs. With the small price of 10$, we each were an adorable version of the disney classic dwarfs. To make everything twice as better, Tina had a snow white costume that Chris wore.

The night was a blast. After getting to bed around 5am, I hear footsteps creep into my room. I reluctantly open my eyes, and look down off of my loft to see Tina, Stephanie, Natalie and Shaina coming in to wake me up and go eat with them. "Go eat, I will be up when you get back" I promised. About an hour later, 2pm, they come back. I am not awake. The only thing that got me out of bed was the prospect of tanning, and without changing out of my sweats and flannel, I went into public. Around 4pm, we realized we had another halloween party to go to. Could we pull off the seven dwarfs again? Well sure, if our costumes hadn't been filthy. Twas thinking time. What could we pull off that was readily accessible in our closets? An idea struck one of us, and with jean shorts, flannel shirts, and pigtails, we pulled off cowgirls.
During the week, a tragedy struck room 223. Krista found our beloved fish Edward dead. We held a memorial service with some of Edward's closest friends. We made a short video that documented the emotion of the day. As you can see, Krista can hardly contain herself.
Besides having to miss 2 episodes of Glee due to the world series, the past couple weeks have been nice. Now comes the two week stretch to thanksgiving. If you weren't aware, the span from when students begin school to thanksgiving, is the longest time that students go without a break. Is the worst almost over? No. Looming like a dark shadow, creeping upon us all, ready to make or break us are finals. Until then, I will enjoy this warm weekend in november and hope for the best.