Monday, August 31, 2009

Class begins, bummer...

Today was our first day of class. Which means, waking up and being productive. After spending the day at state to see Colin, I was quite exhausted, but still managed to stay awake quite late. This partially being Krista's fault because she wouldn't get in the shower. It got to the point where I had to force her in the bathroom and not allow her to come out. This resulted in a noise complaint. So I wake up, and in my dazed zombie state I mana
ged to get ready and make myself cheesy scrambled eggs. Then I was off to my first class, and then my second class.. and the third... then I finally got to eat lunch! Much to my surprise there was sushi! Score. So I had some of that and then I had to board the bus to go down town for my class. Beginning to regret taking a class downtown, I mean it's a cool class and all, but the ride takes 45 min total. The ride home stirred all sorts of bitterness, all I have to say is dissafirmed. Chivalry is dead. Tonight is the season premiere of Greek and we have a viewing party. Krista and I are making homeade pizza, and I am quite excited for it. Hopefully our oven isn't sassy again like it was with our cookies. Our first batch of cookies came out quite burnt after only 10 minutes! We were devastated, but we did get to make another batch that turned out okay. I just put in my first load of laundry... or two. It should be no surprise to you that I had two full loads of laundry on my hands.

Both bags full of clothes. Naturally.

So this morning when I woke up, it was freezing. The window had been open all night with the fan going by it, so when it dropped into the fifties Krista and I were icicles. When we went in the air-conditioned hall, it was warm.
Last night we had quite the rude awakening, but not as bad as Tina (our friend across the hall) had. She was getting ready to go to sleep in her lofted bed, and as she was leaning over to grab her sticky notes that were on her desk and her felt her center of gravity shift. In order to save her head, on the way down she strategically turned her body as she hit the stove and then gravity pulled her down to the ground. With a loud thud she landed on her side. It resonated like a shockwave throughout the whole building, we hear Keegan quickly come out and make she was okay. Tina is fine, aside from minor bruising.

This is Tina in her bed. She will be adding her safety rail stat.

So today, I walked Tina down to the floor below us so she could apologize for the loud noise. Amidst this process I met the boys that I live above. They were in shock when they saw that I was just a little girl. "We were imagining huge fat guys up there, not you!" If you have ever lived with me, you know that I do not have the most graceful step to my walk. Now that I have met them, I will think twice before jumping off of my loft.

Im off... Only 4 more days of class then I can come home!

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