Monday, August 31, 2009

Class begins, bummer...

Today was our first day of class. Which means, waking up and being productive. After spending the day at state to see Colin, I was quite exhausted, but still managed to stay awake quite late. This partially being Krista's fault because she wouldn't get in the shower. It got to the point where I had to force her in the bathroom and not allow her to come out. This resulted in a noise complaint. So I wake up, and in my dazed zombie state I mana
ged to get ready and make myself cheesy scrambled eggs. Then I was off to my first class, and then my second class.. and the third... then I finally got to eat lunch! Much to my surprise there was sushi! Score. So I had some of that and then I had to board the bus to go down town for my class. Beginning to regret taking a class downtown, I mean it's a cool class and all, but the ride takes 45 min total. The ride home stirred all sorts of bitterness, all I have to say is dissafirmed. Chivalry is dead. Tonight is the season premiere of Greek and we have a viewing party. Krista and I are making homeade pizza, and I am quite excited for it. Hopefully our oven isn't sassy again like it was with our cookies. Our first batch of cookies came out quite burnt after only 10 minutes! We were devastated, but we did get to make another batch that turned out okay. I just put in my first load of laundry... or two. It should be no surprise to you that I had two full loads of laundry on my hands.

Both bags full of clothes. Naturally.

So this morning when I woke up, it was freezing. The window had been open all night with the fan going by it, so when it dropped into the fifties Krista and I were icicles. When we went in the air-conditioned hall, it was warm.
Last night we had quite the rude awakening, but not as bad as Tina (our friend across the hall) had. She was getting ready to go to sleep in her lofted bed, and as she was leaning over to grab her sticky notes that were on her desk and her felt her center of gravity shift. In order to save her head, on the way down she strategically turned her body as she hit the stove and then gravity pulled her down to the ground. With a loud thud she landed on her side. It resonated like a shockwave throughout the whole building, we hear Keegan quickly come out and make she was okay. Tina is fine, aside from minor bruising.

This is Tina in her bed. She will be adding her safety rail stat.

So today, I walked Tina down to the floor below us so she could apologize for the loud noise. Amidst this process I met the boys that I live above. They were in shock when they saw that I was just a little girl. "We were imagining huge fat guys up there, not you!" If you have ever lived with me, you know that I do not have the most graceful step to my walk. Now that I have met them, I will think twice before jumping off of my loft.

Im off... Only 4 more days of class then I can come home!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Party on floor two

I live on the second floor of our living center, and according to everyone else, we are the only floor that is actually social with each other. There is never a dull moment on floor two. At this very moment I have eleven people in my dorm room, and Krista isn't even in here! We are in the midst of making t-shirts that will uniform us for special occasions.
Yesterday, we all recuperated from our late night and relaxed, until it was time for a sort of freshman orientation. We all gathered in the field house and played silly games to get to know each other. It was fun for about a half hour, but then it just got ridiculous.
Let me take a moment to tell you about the food here. I come from a home where meals provided is a mere concept. Here, I can just show them my ID, and I have my choice of burgers, wraps, salads, waffles, pizza, chinese, sandwiches, pasta and so much more. There will be a longing for this variety and tangibility when I go home.
After we got home from Meijer, I made grilled cheese for me and some of my neighbors. The sandwich was excellent. The cheese to bread ratio was perfect, and the crispiness was just right to balance out the creamy kraft singles melted into a delicious warm form of cheesiness. By this point, it was nearing midnight and I was quite tired, but my friend Johnny and Kyle invited me in for some pizza. Triple meat digiorno, with crust baked to perfection. After that I finally surrendered to sleep..

...Only to be rudely awakened this morning. This morning there was an activity, and I would have wanted to go but it began at nine am, so I opted out. Even though it's optional, clearly, it's not an option. The first knock comes softly, Krista and I lie there hoping the intruder will leave, the second knock is a little harder, and I groan with utter disappointment. The third knock sounds like raging bull running full speed at our door, only to be stopped by a thick block of wood. The sound resonates throughout our small dorm as we sit up full of shock and bitterness. The door creaks open, and a quiet voice asks "Ladies, wake up!" Our friend Joe was assigned by Jenna (our RA) to come wake all the lazy kids up on our end of the hall. Krista and I grudgingly got out of bed and within two minutes of the rude awakening we were walking down to the early morning activities.
After we sat through everything, everyone came back to our dorm to hang out. We made lunch, I made more grilled cheese, with tomato soup this time. Everyone was making food at our place, of course it was a lot of fun.
Then I went to eat some some people while up and ambitious Krista worked out with Peter. Apparently they had quite the workout, I'm gonna have to start joining them. After dinner, Keegan played his guitar while a couple of us hung out in his dorm and sang a long, it was quite the treat for the neighbors when we broke into our exaggerated version of James Blunt. We are now all hangin' out and watching the tigers game, ready to have a fun night.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

All Moved In

I wake up from my second night at college. To much of your shock, I am up before Krista, and it was before noon. At ten, I stumble down my latter and get a cold bottle of Busch's water. This night did not provide much sleep. This could be a problem. You see, the first night Krista and I were wiped. I had been running on two hours of sleep, and the move in took a lot out of me, so as soon as I hit, or climbed up to my bed, I was out. Unfortunately, this past night was not the same. After Krista and I got into our room about 4:54am, we talked until what could have been close to six. Now, if you weren't impressed before that I got up at ten. You should be floored. Wow, talk about perfect timing, Craig just IMed me via Facebook and said "Are you seriously up right now?... Stop the presses... It's a Miracle... National Holiday! So clearly, if you are not as floored as he, you probably have some idealistic view that I'm not a lazy person and I wake up every morning, eat cottage cheese and go to the gym, do not be mistaken. That is my mom. Not me. By the way, it's 10:30 and Krista is still sound asleep.
So the past two days have been full of meeting new people and having a great time. Lauren and Ryan came to see us, and I also had a nice visit from Craig while he was moving his sister in.
First college injury... Ryan was trying to be cool and he put each of his feet on a latter which are across from each other, since he has longer legs, he succeeded in this matter. Then I tried. Epic fail.. I fall hard into Krista's latter and bang up my right arm, it was numb for an hour.
The past two days have been very hot, to the point where just sitting idle would cause you to sweat, thankfully today we have a cold breeze coming through our windows. I'm aware that soon when the snow piles up to our second story window I will long for those days, but as for now, I do not like the heat.
All in all, everything is going great, I just went and ate breakfast with our kiddie-corner friends... My mother just called so blame her if you wanted to know more!

my dorm :)

