1:10 pm. Still in bed. This is just what I needed. I'm not sure how I woke up every morning for Highschool at 6:30 , I now have massive amounts of trouble waking up for 9am classes. Curious though, I have this feeling that I'm having more trouble waking up at 8:30 then I did last year. Maybe it's the freezing cold air blowing in at me that makes me want cuddle up into my plethora of green blankets, or the fact that in order to actually get out of bed, I have to find my way down a ladder. Perhaps it is that I do not have a cat jumping on me and licking me until I am forced to get up. In any case, waking up can be somewhat troublesome. Direct quote from Krista "I wish I could just spend my day right here"
This past week... Well, on friday, Krista and I did some deep cleaning of our dorm. Vacuuming is a task that can be challenging here, because the vacuum they provide for us, is a piece of crap. In order for it to pick anything up you have to step on the top of it while pushing it across the floor.
Did I mention how loud the vacuum is? It is thunderous. Krista and I managed to clean the counter, the bathroom, the shower, we even lysol-ed the ladders.
After we cleaned, we realized we would have a lot more room if our ladders did not protrude into our living area! This called for some rearranging! Now, my loft is pushed up against the Kitchen wall, and my armoire is behind me, now parallel to the wall, beside the loft. My side is basically symmetrical to Krista's now, except my bed faces the door and not the window. This way, we can put the ladders behind our lofts and not have them always get in the way, and cause me to break my toes.
After we did this, we inspired two other rooms to rearrange! After rearranging, Krista, Stephanie and I all went to Meijer to pick up some groceries, and much needed toilet paper. You know you're lazy when: 1) When putting a new role of TP on, you simply put the new role by the toilet with out actually attaching it to the wall thing. This happens 4 times in a row. 2) When you don't throw away the little cardboard role things after the TP runs out. They accumulate near and around the toilet. 3) you run out of toilet paper and it is not replenished for a week. After Meijer, we went out to dinner: Taco Bell. Yummm. When we got home, we started decorating our room with a collage of magazine clippings. It really made our walls less bare, and added a little bit of spice to the room. Mid-way through this, my Cousin Brad, and his friend Ben showed up. With them, we hung out with some people from our flooring playing exciting games of BS, and Spoons. We actually used pencils for spoons. Krista sustained an injury. We then watched a Movie and got to bed super late.
In the morning (yesterday) Krista and I had a volley ball tournament. Brad and Ben were actually able to play on a team that needed two people. We lasted three rounds, until we were eliminated, but it was a lot of fun. Krista sustained an injury.
Last night we played a super fun game called quelf. Natalie brought it over, and it consisted of doing silly things to advance you in the game. We had to do things like say "izzle" at the end of every sentance, say "trippy" every time we made eye contact with someone, and stand up at scream "PIZZA PARTY" whenever a phone went off. It was a good time.
Earlier this week... I went to get Ice cream for myself at the soft serve machine for the first time. At first, it was going well, the vanilla goodness was coming out evenly as i held down the lever. I let go of the lever, assuming it would stop the ice cream, this was not the case. The ice cream kept on coming. In a state of panic, I continued to let it pile on my fragile cone. Finally, with the aid of a friend, I was able to stop it. Now having a foot tall pile of ice cream on my cone, I attempted to make it back to my table, the sprinkles would have to wait. Two steps in and the ice cream begins to tilt. I feel like I'm in a disney sing along when the little child loses her ice cream, while Mickey Mouse gives her a brand new one. Reality check. The ice cream falls to the ground in what seemed to be slow motion. I hear laughter, and I walk back to my table with a mere cone. Then Nick was nice enough to go make me an Ice Cream. He even put sprinkles on it. After I had licked all of the sprinkles off, I wanted to go put some more on. Surely, I thought, I am capable of doing this. I go to sprinkle on the sprinkles. They come out way faster then anticipated. I form a mountain of sprinkles on and around my ice cream. Only one side got sprinkled. Apparently, I do not have a future in the ice cream world.

Krista sustains another injury: For some reason, our fridge was really cold, and our waters were freezing. Shocked at this, Krista screams "my water is FROZEN!" She then goes and throws the water bottle at the futon to try and crack the ice. She does this once, see's that it is working, and does it again. The second time, the water bottle bounces back, and hits her in the head.
Friday afteronoon, Stephanie, Tina, Krista and I decided to make tye-dye shirts out on the lawn. They turned out pretty cool!
My friend Joel, wants me to advertise for him :) He is off to Nashville right now, and he just got home from LA. You can go listen to him at www.myspace.com/Joelcrouse
We just made brownies! Giancarlo, Chris, Jessie, Krista, and I! Unfortunately, we did not have a brownie pan, so we are making super thin brownies on a cookie sheet... we will see how they turn out.
So this week. A whole war was started with the boys beneath us. Krista and I managed to get into their room, and smother their mirror in shaving cream.

Leaving a surprised Jesse to clean it up. In rebuttal, when I came in my room last night, Krista was across the hall watching Finding Nemo, there were garbage bags strewn across my bed, my green lightbulb was gone, and my green string lights had been replaced orange ones. Unfortunate for Jesse, he is an awful criminal. First, he left witnesses, and second, he left his shoes here!
Krista and I are not about to go make the easiest five dollars ever. We are cleaning Giancarlo and Chris's dorm :)